History of Psychiatry
- Created by: LJJK
- Created on: 05-11-20 10:11
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- History of Psychiatry
- Shaped by contradictory forces: power & control V care & concern
- The Progressive View
- specialised in treating 'mental' illness
- The Critical View
- The Anti-psychiatry perspective
- Western Enterprise
- Emerged in 19th century
- Interest in 'Mental illness' begins in 17th Century
- Robert Burton's The Anatomy of Melancholy published 1621
- MacDonald's analysis of Napier's 17th Century notes on maladies
- Interest in 'Mental illness' begins in 17th Century
- Foucault - Psychiatry was an enforcement of social norms
- Asylums
- Pauper lunatic
- Parliament passes Madhouses act 1774
- Moral Treatment
- Move to community care
- Moral Insanity
- Hereditary criminality
- Charles Darwin
- Eugenics
- Public anxiety on insanity
- Fear on crime shapes ideas & responses to mental health
- Controversy in press and court system on mental health
- Fear on crime shapes ideas & responses to mental health
- Charles Darwin
- Psychoanalytic ideas
- Instigate 'Talking cures'
- Psychodynamic, Person-centred, Cognitive Behavioural approaches
- Links to current practice
- Psychodynamic, Person-centred, Cognitive Behavioural approaches
- Instigate 'Talking cures'
- Methods of investigation & treatment
- Medical Model
- Development of the Diagnostic& Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders - DSM
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