Historical Determinants of the USA
- Created by: Chriszam
- Created on: 01-06-17 11:33
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- Historical Determinants of the USA
- Considered to be a young culture due to colonial history being only a little more than 200 years old
- The USA has a history of Frontierism
- Fronterism was the western expansion into countries that were often hostile
- The USA adopted a policy of Isolation and as a result they developed their own sports to suit their culture
- Traditional English sports were rejected
- Cricket was marginalized because it was very slow moving and did not reflect the modern culture of the USA
- Ivy League Universities had the biggest impact on sport
- The Ivy leagues along with american society pormoted the win ethic, later termed lombardianism
- The ethos represented the 'Cult of Manliness' that kept the spirit of Fronterism
- Commercialism for sport was adopted in the early 20th Century
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