Hinduism Public Worship
- Created by: Amber Meghani
- Created on: 31-05-13 12:04
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- Hinduism Public Worship
- Worship starts at dawn
- The Brahmins (Priest) wash and dress the images of God
- The Worshippers go and offer their 'bhakti' which means devotion
- When they worship they light a candle and start saying their prayers
- Hindus put their hands together it is called 'Anjali'
- When they finish praying they are given 'Prashad' which is a sacred food. They had been offered to the Gods earlier in the day
- Puja
- It is a group worship and it takes place in 3 ways:
- Havan: The offering of fire, using wood, camphor and ghee. the priest places sacred fir on a fire-altar.
- While someone reads the Vedas, the fire represents the the mouth of God devouring the offering in front of him. Prayers for purity
- Arti: is the welcoming ceremony which involves a tray with 5 candles on it (represents: FIRE, EARTH, AIR, ETHER AND WATER. And waved in front of a shrine. A spot of red paste is put upon the forehead of the images of God
- Bhajan: is the singing of hymns,Bells,Tambourines and Triangles are played and some people dance.There are readings from The Bhagavad Gita before the prayer.
- Havan: The offering of fire, using wood, camphor and ghee. the priest places sacred fir on a fire-altar.
- It is a group worship and it takes place in 3 ways:
- They can meditate and pray in the temples
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