High Stalinism
- Created by: ben_millingtonn
- Created on: 13-02-18 14:31
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- High Stalinism
- Cultural
- 'Anti-Soviet' authors were condemned and the publication of works forbidden
- Social realism became the norm in literature and the arts.
- Only pro-soviet writers were allowed to visit the USSR
- Very few citizens were allowed to travel west
- Political
- Wartime institutions were dismantled
- The military hierarchy was downgraded
- New Politburo and Secretariat were elected
- Stalin was still Head of Government and Head of his Party
- Politburo became an advisory body
- Party lost its autonomy became a bureaucratic structure
- Terror
- Seen as a revival of terror
- Isolationism from the non-Soviet west
- Partly due to national concern and partly fear of ideological contamination
- Treated prisoners of war badly
- Constant vigilance over Soviet citizens
- Gulag system vastly expanded
- Between 1945 and 1953 around 12 million were sent to labour camps
- Cult of Personality
- Stalin became increasingly reclusive and irrational.
- He accorded a God-like status
- Portrayed as the greatest living man and man of the people
- Towns took his name, 'Stalin' prizes founded, monuments to him in the USSR and satellite states
- Cultural
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