Henry VII's relations with Spain
Refers to AQA AS History 1483-1529
Reign of Henry VII: Political Power and Control
- Created by: Bethany
- Created on: 07-05-13 16:19
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- Henry VII's foreign relations with Spain
- Spain in 1485
- New power in Europe after marriage of Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabella of Castile in 1479.
- At the start of his reign, Henry feared an Anglo-Spanish alliance.
- 1489 - The Medina del Campo provided Henry with security and recognition on the international stage.
- Ferdinand and Henry VII agreed mutual support to defend their countries against enemies.
- Assurance that neither King would make peace, alliance or treaties with France without the other's permission.
- Neither country would assist or harbour rebels or pretenders.
- Princess Catherine of Aragon and Prince Arthur of England would marry.
- Fluctuations in Anglo-Spanish relations after the Medina del Campo...
- The Spanish did not honour their commitment to provide assistance with Brittany as they were preparing for their final attack on the moors.
- On-going Perkin Warbeck saga threatened Spanish marriage, as they would not let their daughter marry into a politically unstable royal family.
- Endless arguments between Ferdinand and Henry about the size and payment of Catherine's dowry.
- The marriage
- Marriage treaty agreed in 1499, Arthur and Catherine married in 1501.
- BUT... Arthur died in 1502, endangering the alliance.
- Henry proposed Catherine should marry Prince Henry, his younger son (now heir.)
- Ferdinand held out for better terms but Ferdinand forced to accept in 1503. Needed controversial dispensation from the Pope.
- Death of Isabella of Castile.
- Castilian succession crisis. Ferdinand was no longer a great power and King of united Spain.
- tried to react Prince Henry's marriage proposal and chose to back Phillip's claim.
- Relations after 1505
- Due to diplomatic fluctuations, Ferdinand signed Treaty of Blois with France in 1505, and married Louis XIII's niece in 1506.
- After Philip's death (1506), Ferdinand once again became ruler of united Spain, with little need for English support.
- Spain in 1485
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