Henry VIII religion
- Created by: EddieJ101
- Created on: 02-12-19 16:52
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- Henry VIII and religion
- The Great Matter
- By 1520's it was clear Catherine was not able to produce a male heir.
- Anne Boleyn, who Henry had fallen in love with, would only bear his child if they married.
- Cardinal Wolsey was given the job of securing an annulment between Catherine and Henry.
- After Wolsey could not persuade the pope to grant Henry an annulment, he fell out of favor with the king.
- Wolsey was later branded a traitor and was arrested, he died shortly before his trial of natural causes.
- The great matter was Henry's catalyst and excuse for beginning the English split from Rome.
- Changes in the structure of the church
- Henry was made head of the church, replacing the pope (act of supremacy 1534)
- Spiritual jurisdiction remained with Bishops and archbishops.
- Cromwell was also appointed Vice regent in spirituals in 1534 which made him second in the hierarchy of the church.
- Dissolution of the monasteries
- Dissolution of monasteries began shortly after the act of supremacy.
- Act of the dissolution of the lesser onasteries was passed in 1536.
- Monasteries which had an income of less than £200 were dissolved.
- The act caused the pilgrimage of grace rebellion. The rebellion however, only led to further an expansion of the dissolution's.
- Act of the dissolution of the larger monasteries (1539), dissolved any remaining monasteries.
- This was finalized in 1540, when Henry dissolved all religious houses.
- The dissolution increased revenue for the crown and became a major income source for Henry's military campaigns in the 1540's.
- Changes in religious doctrine
- Act of ten articles (1536) effectively established the relationship between Protestantism and Catholicism.
- Act of six articles was a more conservative doctrine that accepted transubstanti-ation and denying it was classed as heresy.
- By 1547, Church services remained the same, communion services remained in Latin.
- Church parishes however had to have an English bible on them
- The Great Matter
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