Henry VIII : Overview
- Created by: ArronK99
- Created on: 17-05-16 15:38
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- Henry VIII : Overview
- Government
- Wasn't as involved with government as his father.
- Included more nobility, especially close friends e.g. Lovell, Brandon and Fox
- Executed Empson and Dudley immediately
- Wanted to establish himself as different from his father
- Marriage
- chose to marry Catherine to be chivalrous/a renaissance prince
- Would create a strong bond with Spain
- Would also give him an ally against France
- Foreign Policy
- First French War
- Henry unsuccessfully went to war with France in 1512 but went again with Wolsey in 1514 managing to capture Tournai and reclaim Calais
- Went to war so quickly to show he was a warrior king and wanted to follow in the footsteps of his hero Henry V
- Propaganda
- Field of the Cloth of Gold
- Showed off Henry's / England's power
- Field of the Cloth of Gold
- Nothing like Henry VII's
- Henry VIII was more aggressive and waned the warrior king status
- Unsuccessful wars with Scotland and France
- First French War
- Wolsey
- The fall of Wolsey
- The Divorce Crisis
- Henry needed an heir
- The fall of Wolsey
- Wolsey
- Henry VIII : Religious Reformation in the 1530s
- Act of Supremacy
- The Divorce Crisis
- Henry needed an heir
- Henry VIII : Religious Reformation in the 1530s
- Act of Supremacy
- Act of Supremacy
- The Divorce Crisis
- Act of Supremacy
- Final Years
- Wives
- Anne Boleyn
- Gave birth to Elizabeth
- Jane Seymour
- Gave birth to Edward
- Anne of Cleeves
- Protestant alliance with the league of Schmackelden
- Caused the fall of Cromwell
- Catherine Howard
- Half his age
- Cheats on him - executed for treason
- Catherine Parr
- Just wanted someone to care for him and his kids
- Anne Boleyn
- Unsuccessful wars with Scotland and France
- Wives
- Government
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