- Created by: rhianna belham
- Created on: 02-05-13 11:41
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- Health, exercise, fitness
- Health - 'a state of complete physical, social and mental well-being, free from mental and physical disease'
- Health related components
- Stamina
- 'the ability to provide and sustain vigorous total body activity aerobically
- Muscular endurance
- 'the ability of a muscle or muscle group to sustain repeated contractions over time'
- Strength
- 'the maximum force exerted by a specific muscle or group of muscles'
- Speed
- 'the maximum rate at which a person is able to move their body'
- Power
- 'the ability to use strength quickly'
- Flexibility
- 'the ability to move a joint through its complete range of movement'
- Stamina
- Components of skill-related fitness
- Reaction time
- 'time take to initiate a response to a given stimulus'
- Co-ordination
- 'ability to perform smooth and accurate motor tasks, often involving the use of senses'
- Balance
- 'ability to retain the centre of mass of body above the base support'
- Agility
- 'physical ability that enables a person to quickly change body position in a precise manner'
- Reaction time
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