Plan of what Units need to be finished
- Created by: Booglie82
- Created on: 08-05-14 18:52
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- Health & Social Care
- Unit 1
- P3
- P4
- M2
- D1
- Unit 2
- M1 - Assess the effects on those using the service of three different discriminatory practices in health and social care settings
- Unit 3
- Got to get some more work done.
- 2x M tasks
- 2x D tasks
- Got to get some more work done.
- Unit 4
- Refferals
- 22nd May 2014
- Refferals
- Unit 6
- P3
- P6
- P7
- Unit 8
- Up to date
- Unit 10
- M1 - Discuss how policies and procedures help children, young people and their families whilst the child is being looked after
- D1 - Evaluate the regulation of care provision for looked after children and young people
- Unit 11
- P3 - Explain factors that may lead to abusive situations
- P5 - Outline working strategies and types of abuse procedures used in health and social care to reduce risk of abuse
- Unit 21
- Lots of work to be doing!!
- Unit 1
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