Mind Map for nurbn 2009 essay
- Created by: taylerlovelace
- Created on: 17-04-17 04:53
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- Health promotion & the nurses role
- Health Literacy
- What is it?
- How does it relate to Health promotion and the nurses role?
- How does the ottawa charter affect it?
- Enhancing health literacy for community members is an important health promotion tool because health knowledge is empowering - determinants pg. 284
- By improving peoples access to health information and their capacity to use it effectively, health literacy is critical to empowerment - determinants pg. 284
- Health literacy is the outcome of effective health education, it brings individual returns and this is worthwhile - determinants pg 283
- Three levels of health literacy: basic functional literacy, communicative literacy and critical literacy - determinants pg 284
- Health literacy is an outcome of health education
- How does it relate to Health promotion and the nurses role?
- What is it?
- Health Education
- What is it ?
- How does it relate to the nurses role and health promotion?
- How does the Ottawa charter affect?
- Health practitioners have an important role to play using variety of different approaches and styles to enhance health knowledge and to assist people in making informed health decisions pg. 283
- Health practitioners must have the ability to competently assess educational needs and to be able to enhance learning in the most appropriate manner for individuals, groups and communities pg. 283
- primary health care approach
- Community wide education
- Health education is a commonly used health promotion strategy pg. 283
- consciously constructed opportunities for learning involving some form of communication designed to improve health literacy, including improving knowledge and developing life skills which are conducive to individual and community health pg. 283
- How does it relate to the nurses role and health promotion?
- What is it ?
- Health Promotion
- What is it?
- Prerequisites for health
- Using the action areas for evidence
- Social marketing
- "Social marketing has produced important gains in raising public awareness of certain diseases and prevention of those diseases' - determinants pg 362
- Strategies used: education, motivation, advocacy, advertising and publicity
- Social marketing
- peace, shelter, education, food, income, a stable ecosystem , sustainable resources and social justice
- Using the action areas for evidence
- The process of enabling people to increase control over, and to improve their health (determinants book ref)
- Prerequisites for health
- How does the Ottawa charter affect it?
- Community participation- determinants pg 276
- How does health promotion relate to nursing?
- "health practitioners can play an important role in creating a climate for empowerment by enabling access to these things through the community development process" - determinants book pg 269
- "the main barriers to promoting health are organisational and educational" - determinants pg 277
- "if people are to gain greater power over their lives, they need greater access to information, supportive relationships, decision making processes and resources" - determinants book pg 269
- "health practitioners can play an important role in creating a climate for empowerment by enabling access to these things through the community development process" - determinants book pg 269
- What is it?
- Ottawa Charter
- How does all of this relate to empowerment & health professionals?
- Health Literacy
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