- Created by: ameliasuter
- Created on: 08-12-14 15:57
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- Global Hazards
- Global warming - our greatest hazard?
- green house affect
- albedo
- climate change
- fossil fuels
- tipping point
- water vapour, co2, methane,ozone
- the kyoto protacol
- feedback mechanism
- social and economic impacts
- in 2006 crop yeilds in Africa drop by 10%
- 2006: great barrier reef has 97% of original coral reefs killed
- in Asia in 2006 3 billion people have no ready supply of clean water
- Hazards and the risk of disaster
- meteorological
- geological
- geomorphological
- geophysical
- hydro-meteorological
- Risk = (frequency x vulnerability) divided by capacity to cope
- vulnerability
- poverty
- failing political, economical and social systems
- pressures e.g. lack of education, population change etc.
- unsafe conditions e.g. unprotected buildings
- The Risks
- death and injury
- disease, stress
- economic loss
- damage to infastructure
- pollution
- vulnerability
- Types of hazards
- drought
- flood
- cyclone
- equator/ tropics
- 27 degrees
- landslides/ avalanches
- earthquakes
- tectonic movement
- tsunami
- volcanoes
- tsunami
- Global warming - our greatest hazard?
- Global Hazard Trends
- El Nino and urbanisation
- high/low pressure
- corriolus affect
- trade winds
- La Nina
- enhanced
- South America, Australia
- rapid popuation growth
- deforestation and land degradation
- poverty and politics
- Global hazard trends
- databases
- e.g. EM-DAT
- Honduras- No. of disasters EM-DAT: 14, Nat Cat: 34, Sigma: 7
- graphs and stats
- magnitude
- frequency
- databases
- El Nino and urbanisation
- global Hazard Patterns
- plate boundaries
- constructive
- conservative
- destructive
- asthenosphere
- lithosphere
- magma
- tectonic activity
- primary and secondary hazards
- Primary: earthquake
- secondary: liquifaction
- hotspots
- drought: inter-tropical convergence zones
- flooding: 33% worlds area
- tropical storms: equator
- plate boundaries
- Global Hazards
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