God as Creator
- Created by: Tom Kydd-Coutts
- Created on: 17-04-14 14:01
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- God as Creator
- Creatio ex nihilo
- Creates out of nothing
- Both a creator and a craftsman out of pre-existent matter since:
- "God said , Let…and so it was" Genesis
- "Can you beat a vault of the skies?" Job 37:18
- Qualities of God
- Omnipresent
- Linked with all knowing and all powerful. A being with the ability to be everywhere at once
- Omnipotent
- God's power is revealed to the biblical reader
- "All things were were made by Him and without Him was not anything made" John 1:3
- The Inconsistent Triad
- To be all powerful means to have a ability prevent evil therefore not all-loving
- To be all-loving means to not allow evil therefore not all-powerful
- Response: God can do anything that doesn't contradict himself e.g cause himself to not exist
- Descartes: God can do anything
- Reason we can't comprehend this is the limitation of our minds
- God's power is revealed to the biblical reader
- Omnibenevolent
- The Inconsistent Triad
- To be all powerful means to have a ability prevent evil therefore not all-loving
- To be all-loving means to not allow evil therefore not all-powerful
- Response: God can do anything that doesn't contradict himself e.g cause himself to not exist
- The Inconsistent Triad
- Omniscient
- The limitless knowledge of God in the Bible
- "…and he sees everything under the Heavens" Job 28:14
- The limitless knowledge of God in the Bible
- Omnipresent
- Key ideas
- God brought the universe into existence
- He is reponsibe for the entire universe itself and all within it
- He is responsible for it existing at every moment
- God as Craftsman
- "Where were you when I laid Earth's foundation?" Job 38:4
- "The work of God's fingers"Psalm 8:3
- God's Involvement
- Very much involved unlike the Ancient Greek Demiurge and Prime Mover
- God's in Control
- Isaiah: speaks of God sitting above the Earth and having the power to reduce princes to nothing.
- Creatio ex nihilo
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