God 2

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  • God
    • Omnipotent Creator
      • God is the only God, cannot be challenged by any other power or authority = Must be omnipotent
        • E.g. Matthew 19:26, J tells disciples '...with God all things are possible'
      • Omnipotent = all powerful
      • Disagree about what it means to be OP, defined in different ways
        • 1. God is omnipotent = can do absolutely anything including the logically impossible , not bound by the laws of nature,
        • 2. God is omnipotent = can do anything that is logically possible
          • Correct because of the problem of evil, Hick and Plantinga agree ( free will)
      • Most argue that if God is OP, must be the creator of everything
        • 1. Universe comes ex Deo = out of God's own being (Latin)
          • Suggests pantheism, would mean not transcendent or 'wholly other'
        • 2. God created universe ex nihilo = literally from nothing
          • found in creation narrative in Genesis 1, universe from words of creative power - 'Let there be...'
            • RSV translation believed to be wrong, original Hebrew suggests already existing chaos God acts to bring order to
        • 3. God created using already existing chaotic matter, put into an ordered state - process theology
          • Babylonian creation, Enuma Elish = assumes primeval chaos also, 3 most fitting with genesis
    • Controller
      • Universe made by OP God = also be the controller of all things
        • 'King' or 'Sovereign', total control
      • God 'Sustains the Universe'
        • Holds it in existence and preserves from destruction
        • Preserves universe from falling back into watery chaos he ordered at creation
          • Psalms, 89;9-10 God rules raging Yam (sea)
        • Psalm 104:5 God 'set the earth on its foundations so that it should never be shaken'
        • God sustains moral humanity by providing a code - 10 commandments
      • varying interpretations
        • 1. Theological determinism, omniscient, future is fixed + unavoidable, we don't have free will God has absolute control
        • 2. Aquinas - god exists timelessly, sees results of free choices but does not cause them
    • Transcendent and Unknowable
      • God is Unlimited,
      • Catholic doctrine - aseity, God is his own existence, and his essence is to exist.
      • Isaiah 55:8-9 'For as the heavens are higher than the Earth, so are my ways higher than your ways' (says the Lord)
      • 1 Corinthians 2:11 'No one comprehends the thoughts of God except the spirit of God'
      • Transcendence means God's true nature is unknowable
        • Exodus 2, Moses + God, God says 'I am who I am' (2:14), etymology of YHWH
          • importance in monotheistic status, transcendence + unknowability
            • God is the creator and cannot be known, categorised or understood by any other being
      • Exodus 2, Moses + God, God says 'I am who I am' (2:14), etymology of YHWH
        • importance in monotheistic status, transcendence + unknowability
          • God is the creator and cannot be known, categorised or understood by any other being
  • Creation idea evolved during the ongoing life of the Church, beliefs not  suggested by the Bible


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