Globalisation and politics
- Created by: Lizziecotton1
- Created on: 21-12-18 09:43
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- Globalisation and Politics
- Governing the world
- defining political globalisation
- 1. demise (end) of the nation state- Ohmae 1996
- the state is still there but its ability to regulate key aspects that shape our lives are outside of its power- e.g. economy
- Wilson- dream of having a global system of collective security under international organisation- the League of Nations (Steger 2015)
- This idea was realised in 1945 founding of UN- serves as a catalyst for extension of political activities across national borders- undermines principle of national sovereignty/ nation state
- Hyperglobalists see that globalisation inevitably involves the decline of bounded territory as a concept for understanding political and social change
- political power is located in global social formations and expressed through global networks rather than territorial based states- becoming increasingly irrelevant (steger 2015)
- challenges to the nation state
- Global challenges require global solutions e.g. climate change, regulations of the financial markets
- international Human Rights- international community has the right and responsibility to intervene- applies to everyone everywhere
- Young, apposes authority and assumes state has complete control on what is happening in its borders
- the way we engage with the world is increasingly not mediated by the state- link between global and local, the nation state no longer have monopoly on how we engage with the world
- Forms of state sovereignty
- westphalian sovereignty-one state should not interfere with the territory of another, Declaration of human rights is an attack on this- however an idea that is driving brexit
- recognition sovereignty- nation states recognise one another as representatives of populations in international negations-EU
- Border sovereignty-nation states control their borders- increase in borders over 20th century , growth in walls- acts as a benchmark to which a state can claim its sovereignty
- Are we witnessing the end of a nation state or is it a re working of national sovereignty- different types of sovereignty are affected in different ways by globalistion
- 2. the emergence of global governance
- Untitled
- 1. demise (end) of the nation state- Ohmae 1996
- defining political globalisation
- Governing the world
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