- Created by: 11pyoung
- Created on: 26-01-18 17:10
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- Globalisation
- Defining Globalisation
- Modelski
- Globalisation us a historical process that is characterised by a growing engagement between peoples in all corners of the globe
- Kennedy and Cohen
- The increasing interconnectedness and interdependency of the world's nations and their people into a single global economic, political and cultural system
- Modelski
- The causes of Globalisation
- Cohen and Kennedy
- Globalisation needs to be understood as 'a set of mutually reinforcing transformations' around the world
- Advances in mass communications and computer technology
- The nature of economic and financial markets has changed
- Globalised culture
- Reflexive Modernisation
- Beck
- The world increasingly shares the same problems on a global scale
- Giddens
- The world increasingly shares the same problems on a global scale
- Beck
- Globalisation needs to be understood as 'a set of mutually reinforcing transformations' around the world
- Reflexive Modernisation
- Beck
- Giddens
- Beck
- Cohen and Kennedy
- The nature and extent of Globalisation
- Cultural globalisation
- The rapid movement of ideas, attitudes, meanings values and cultural products across national borders,
- Mckay
- The amount of TV sets in Africa has dramatically and rapidly increased
- Political Globalisation
- Led to the rise of global social justice movements
- Economic globalisation
- Global economies are dominated by the IMF and World Bank
- Cultural globalisation
- Global Risks
- Drug-traficking
- Terrorism
- Ecological disasters
- Theories of globalisation
- Globalist theories of globalisation
- Hyper-globalism
- Globalisation will eventually lead to positive results
- Sen
- Globalisation represents hope for all humanity
- Produce a universal techno-scientific culture that will liberate people from poverty
- Globalisation represents hope for all humanity
- Pessimistic globalism
- Chang
- World Bank, IMF and the WTO exist to subjugate the developing countries into adopting free-trade policies in order to receive loans
- Globalisation is a form of Western Imperialism
- Chang
- Hyper-globalism
- Marxist/Radical theories of globalisation
- World systems theory
- Assessing World systems theory
- It is guilty of economic reductionism
- Assumes economy is driving all aspects of society
- Wallerstein
- Globalisation has always been an important part of the way capitalism organises itself
- Assessing World systems theory
- World systems theory
- Transformationist and postmodernist theories of globalisation
- Global media is responsible for diffusing different cultural styles throughout the world
- Agree the impact of Globalisation is exaggerated, but believes it is foolish to fully reject the idea of globalisation
- Globalist theories of globalisation
- Defining Globalisation
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