global hazards
brief outline of global hazards
- Created by: Emily BIrch
- Created on: 06-05-13 20:11
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- global hazards
- dregs model
- hazardous geophysical event combined with the vulnerability of people
- hazard X vulnerability / capacity to cope
- hydro-metrological hazards
- caused by running water and its processes (hydro) and those associated with or cause by weather patterns
- geophysical hazard
- caused by the earths processes
- hazard
- potential to cause loss of life and damage to property
- a natural hazard is a natural event or process which effects people
- blizzard
- weather hazard
- earthquake
- natural event
- avalanche and landslides
- secondary hazards
- tsunamis
- natural hazards
- cyclones, hurricanes and typhoons
- natural hazard
- local hazard
- essex-
- flooding - north sea floods in 1953
- drought
- deep depressions
- tornadoes
- california
- el nino
- earthquakes
- la nina
- essex-
- dregs model
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