Global Energy
Teacher recommended
?- Created by: Jake Robertson
- Created on: 11-05-13 16:27
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- Global energy
- Sources of global energy
- Fossil Fuels
- Oil
- 35% in 2004
- Natural Gas
- 24% in 2004
- Coal
- 28% in 2004
- Oil
- Renewables
- Hydroelectric
- 3% in 2004
- Wave power
- Biofuels
- Geothermal
- Wind
- Solar
- Hydroelectric
- Nuclear
- 3% in 2004
- Fossil Fuels
- Global mix
- Middle Eas
- Oil provides 50% of consumption
- Nuclear not present
- Less than 5% coal
- Asia Pacific
- Only region where coal is main source
- Europe and Eurasia
- Natural gas and oil are main sources
- South and Central America
- 28% hydroelectricity
- Middle Eas
- Factors of energy supply
- Physical
- Deposits of fossil fuels are found in a limited number of locations
- Hydroelectricity requires precipitation, steeps slopes and impermeable rock
- Large power stations require flat stable foundations
- Solar power needs consistent sunlight
- Wind power needs consistent wind
- Tidal power requires large tidal ranges
- Economic
- Onshore deposits are usually cheaper to exploit
- Pwer stations are cheaper to biuld in accessible locations
- Investment is often needed in poor countries
- Companies increase spending with increased emand and cost of energy
- Political
- Nuclear energy requires permission from the International Atomic Energy Agency
- International agreements
- HEP schemed may require permission from other countaries who share a river
- Governments may set renewable enrgy targets
- Legislation on power stations
- Physical
- Germany
- Energy usage
- 5th largest consumer of energy in the world
- Oil 36% in 2005
- Coal 12.9% in 2005
- Natural Gas 22.7% in 2005
- Lignite 11.2% in 2005
- No large hydrocarbon reserves apart from coal, giving a largre import bill
- Renewable Energy
- One of the leading countries in promoting renewable energy
- 4.6% of energy supply and 10,2% of electricity consumption in 2005
- Meets 5% of electricity needs with hyroelectricity
- 4600MW installed hydroelectric output
- In 2007, 18000 wind turbines produced 20000MW
- Renewable industry benefits from favourable concessions
- $5bn photovoltaic industry, accounting for 52% of the worlds installed solar panels
- Geothermal interest
- Energy usage
- Sources of global energy