Global Development
- Created by: frejwhit
- Created on: 04-06-19 17:18
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- Global Development
- Measures of development
- GINI coefficient
- measures inequality
- Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI)
- level of corruption in the public sector
- Human Development Index (HDI)
- Calculated using life expectancy, education level and income per head
- Gross Domestic Product (GDP) per capita
- total value of goods and services produced by a country annually
- GINI coefficient
- focus in development on:
- access to food
- access to water
- access to shelter
- Opportunities to participate in community life
- global patterns of development
- splits the world into the global north and the global south
- Global North
- Includes developed parts of East Asia, Australia and New Zealand
- More privileges such as good housing, technology and education
- People are a lot wealthier
- Global South
- Poorer people
- Live in poverty
- Global North
- Global wealth mainly in North America, Europe and Asia
- USA + Japan + China + Germany > 50% of the world economy
- USA accounts for 24% of the worlds GDP
- splits the world into the global north and the global south
- Physical Factors Causing Uneven Development
- Few raw materials
- raw materials are sold in exchange for money. if a country doesnt have many raw materials it will have to find an alternative
- countries may have many natural resources but are unable to exploit them because of the lack of infrastructure
- Poor climate
- leads to poor food production
- causes malnutrition and a poor quality of life
- Fewer crops available to sell reduces money available to spend on services and goods
- Less is sold and bought so government receives lower taxes
- Less money spent on development
- leads to poor food production
- Frequent Natural Hazards
- Countries spend a lot of money repairing natural disaster damage
- Reduce money being spent on development
- Countries spend a lot of money repairing natural disaster damage
- Poor farming land
- poor food production
- causes malnutrition and a poor quality of life
- poor food production
- Few raw materials
- Historical Factors Causing Uneven Development
- Conflict
- Healthcare is poor so infant mortality rates increase
- Finance is spent on weapons
- people die and infrastructure is damaged
- Colonilisation
- Countries that were once colonised are often less developed than if they had ever been a colony
- Conflict
- Economic Factors Causing Uneven Development
- Loss of debt
- poor countries often have to get loans from wealthier countries
- borrowed money has to be repaid, often with interest
- a country in debt cant spend on developing as it has d=to repay debts first
- poor countries often have to get loans from wealthier countries
- An economy dominated by primary production
- primary products are raw
- less developed country as primary products aren't very profitable
- price is often less than production cost
- Poor trade links
- limit a country's revenue and therefore the amount of money available to invest n development
- Loss of debt
- Measures of development
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