- Created by: Robyn
- Created on: 06-05-14 12:01
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- Gleischaltung
- Bringing external influences under Nazi control
- Attempt to co-ordinate as many aspects of German life as possible
- Youth
- Education
- Primary means of indoctrination
- Strict control over curriculum
- Increased PE.
- Eugenics and emphasis on 'survival of the fittest'
- Sex education BANNED
- Encouraged children to have as many of their own as poss.
- Groups: HJ and BDM
- Education
- Teachers
- Increase in Nazi teacher's league membership after Jan '33
- 97% of teachers were members
- Indoctrinated via 1 month of courses
- Critiscising the regime risked job and arrest
- Increase in Nazi teacher's league membership after Jan '33
- Workers
- Too large a group to be ignored (46% of population)
- Motivated workforce to be more productive
- KDF (strength through joy)
- Encouraged social equality
- Encouraged sports and competetiveness
- SDA (beauty of labour)
- improved working conditions
- Keep workers onside
- Encouraged to work harder due to better facilities
- provided better canteen food
- improved working conditions
- Bringing external influences under Nazi control
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