Giuseppe mindmap
- Created by: plzsendchocolate
- Created on: 29-11-20 14:37
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- Guiseppe
- Violence
- Graphic: 'butchered', this statement is dropped so casually that the reader wonders if this is a usual occurrence
- The nonchalant tone creates an eerie atmosphere.The language is deliberately flat and factual, concentrating on actions without comment. Figurative language is almost entirely absent: there are only two adjectives
- War imagery: Setting the scene in time of the Second World War war prepares the reader for behaviour that falls short of peacetime civilised standards.
- Man vs Women
- Destruction of a women for the benefit of man, shows the selfishness of sexist society
- Natural imagery: 'bourgivillia' shows the beauty and fragility of feminity, and how it is easily crushed by masculinity
- 'Priest who held her hand' Even the most holiest of men, one who believes that killing is the ultimate sin still acts brutal in the face of war
- Guilt
- 'He didn't look me in the eye' : show's Guiseppe's admission of guilt
- Strong use of enjambment and cesura create a sense of hesitancy as if the narrator is struggling to tell the story
- The unstable structure of five stanzas of uneven length with no rhyme scheme or regular metrical rhythm show Guiseppe's guilty conscience. Furthermore, the simile at the end of stanza two, the only poetic device, forms a horrific dramatic climax.
- Human or animal?
- 'She, it,' They originally call her she, recognising her humanity but save their consciences by calling her it.
- The human parts of her are put for burial, 'head and hands'. be seen as either a sign of respect for her human traits, or as a way of eliminating her humanity as a way for the perpetrators to escape guilt, and the horrific truth of the incident.
- 'The Wedding Ring is proof that she is human as she has taken part in the very human sacrament of marriage, and also proves that she is capable of feeling emotions like love. The attempt to take it shows an attempt to erase the human aspects of the mermaid, therefore erasing the townspeople's guilt
- 'Ripe Golden Roe,' emphasises that her eggs are valuable, and despite this, people still dehumanise her. While the doctor emphasises that she is still a fish, his refusal to eat the eggs shows that he knows otherwise and is tormented with guilt.
- Violence
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