- Created by: Hogwarts12
- Created on: 14-10-20 15:58
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- Do ghosts exist?
- Yes
- There are lots of TV shows about ghosts that people like to watch
- Some sighting are of dead and or alive people and animals
- Ghost signtings are normaly in old buildings
- Ghosts are a type on energy that we do not know yet
- A theory that ghosts do exists is energy can not be created or destoyed so where does our energy go when we die
- No
- According the Brian cox if ghosts were real the large Hadron collider would have found them already
- Scientists have said that you 'see ghosts' when you are half asleep.
- I believe that ghosts arn't real because then more people would have seen them
- In class we have been learning about Andrew green the ghost hunter and most of his projects were hoaxs
- People that have nearly died can claim that they have seen ghosts or god scientists say this is because of lack of oxygen to the brain.
- Yes