Problems of Germany's economic miracle
- Created by: 9thompson.rebecca
- Created on: 14-03-15 16:19
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- Germany 1945-1950 Problems of the 'Economic Miracle'
- The Potsdam agreement
- Decision to treat Germany as 'a single economic unit' was not put into practice
- Germany had to recover from a loss of 6 mil + territory/ industry in the East.
- Refugees from the East fled to the West & exacerbated issues
- Population in W rose to 43.6 mil by Oct '46
- 'strict rationing system' used to distribute housing
- $.2 mil shortage of housing units in '52
- Refugees from the East fled to the West & exacerbated issues
- No German officials appointed for finance, transport, comms, foreign trade & industry=low levels of production
- Even new higher targets set in '47 did not increase poor outputs
- Economic Council for Bizonia set up in '47 to prevent shortages of supplies
- 52 German members, under supervision of Anglo-American Bizonal Control Office
- Exec. committee set up & 5 admin offices for gov.t areas eg forestry
- Significant improvement in 1948
- 'Economic Miracle' 20th June
- Currency reform had exponential success
- The Marshall Plan had given Germany access to vast funds
- Independent issuing bank formed to ensure monetary stabilisation
- Dismantling of industrial plant in British zone stopped and industrial production rose
- The Potsdam agreement
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