Germany 1918-45: The recovery of Germany, 1924-29
- Created by: emixwein
- Created on: 31-05-17 10:55
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- Germany:1918-1945 The recovery of Germany, 1924-29
- Work of Streseman
- Aug 1923: Ebert appointed Gustav Stresemann as his chancellor
- Stresemann led a number of policies for the recovery of Weimar Republic
- Rentenmark
- The old currnecy was replaced with a new temporary on called Rentenmarke
- soon it was replaced whith a permanent currency called Reihsmark
- this stabilised the economy
- Dawes Plan
- april 1924:he agreed the Dawes Plan with allies
- Helpred germany to achieve pre-war production levels in 1928
- Young Plan
- 1929: Cut reparation payment from 6.6 billion to 2 billion pounds
- help german economy
- US loans
- League of Nations
- 1926: entry into the League of Nations
- Locarno Treaties
- oct 1925:Streseman signed the Locarno Pact with Britain, France, Italy and Belgium
- guaranteed Germany's Frontiers with Belgium and France and outlawed a repeat of the Ruhr invasion
- Kellogg-Briand Pact
- Work of Streseman
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