MASTER Germany 1918-45 - Paper 2
- Created by: Issy.carter
- Created on: 27-03-17 19:59
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- Germany 1918-45
- Was the weimar republic doomed from the start?
- How did Germany emerge from defeat at the end of the first world war?
- What was the impact of the treaty of versailles on the republic?
- To what extent did the republic recover after 1923?
- What were the achievements of the Weimar period?
- Why was Hitler able to dominate Germany by 1934?
- What did the Natzi party stand for in the 1920's?
- Why did the Natzis have little sucess before 1930?
- Why was Hitler able to become Chancellor by 1933?
- How did Hitler consolidate his power in 1933-4
- The Natzi Regeme
- How effectively did the Nazis control Germany, 1933-45?
- How much opposition was there to the Nazi regime?
- How effectively did the Nazi deal with their political opponents?
- How did the Nazi use culture and the mass media to control the people?
- Why did Nazis persecute many groups in German society?
- Was Nazi Germany a totalitarian state?
- What was it like to live in Germany?
- How did young people react to the Nazi regime?
- How successful were Nazi policies towards women and the family?
- Did most people in Germany benefit from Nazi rule?
- How did the coming of war change life in Natzi Germany?
- Nazi Germany
- The revolution of 1918 and the establishment of the republic
- The versailles settlement and German reactions to it
- The Weimar constitution, the main political divisions
- The stresmann era
- Cultural achievements of the Weimar period
- Economic policy including rearmament
- The Weimar constitution, the role of the army
- Nazi rule
- The early days of the Nazi party
- Nazi ideas and methods
- The Munich Putsch
- The roles of Hitler + other Nazi leaders
- The impact of the depression on Germany
- Political, economic + the social crisis of 1930-3
- Reasons for the Nazis rise to power
- Hitler takes power
- The Reichstag Fire and the election of 1933
- Nazi rule in Germany
- The enabling act
- The Night of the long knives
- The death of Hindenburg
- The removal of opposition
- Methods of control and repression
- Use of culture and the mass media
- Different experiences of Nazi rule
- Women + young people
- Anti-semitism
- Persecution of minorities
- Opposition to Nazi rule
- Impact of the second world war on Germany
- The conversion to war economy
- The final solution
- The early days of the Nazi party
- How effectively did the Nazis control Germany, 1933-45?
- Was the weimar republic doomed from the start?
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