Germany 1890-1945 (1)

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  • Germany 1890-1945 (1)
    • Germany before WWI
      • Ruled by totalitarian Kaiser Wilhelm II
        • There was a Reichstag (parliament) but its power was limited as Kaiser made all main decisions
          • Germany before WWI
            • Ruled by totalitarian Kaiser Wilhelm II
              • There was a Reichstag (parliament) but its power was limited as Kaiser made all main decisions
              • Rapidly industrialising, led to poor living/working conditions
                • By 1914 it produced more steel, iron and coal than UK
                • This led to increase in support for SPD
                  • 1/3 of voters supported the SPD
                • Trade unions were common - by 1914 over 3 million workers were in trade unions
                  • Socially unstable
                    • Rapidly industrialising, led to poor living/working conditions
                      • By 1914 it produced more steel, iron and coal than UK
                      • This led to increase in support for SPD
                        • 1/3 of voters supported the SPD
                      • Trade unions were common - by 1914 over 3 million workers were in trade unions
                        • Socially unstable
                • Weltpolitik - Kaiser wanted Germany to be a global power by building up the navy to get more colonies
                  • Germany's 'place in the sun'
                  • Kaiser passed Naval laws 1898 - 1912 to build up the navy
                    • This increased patriotism and support for Kaiser
                      • Over 1mil joined the Navy League & campaigned for more Naval spending
                  • This also increased taxes, national debt and opposition from Reichstag
          • Weltpolitik - Kaiser wanted Germany to be a global power by building up the navy to get more colonies
            • Germany's 'place in the sun'
            • Kaiser passed Naval laws 1898 - 1912 to build up the navy
              • This increased patriotism and support for Kaiser
                • Over 1mil joined the Navy League & campaigned for more Naval spending
            • This also increased taxes, national debt and opposition from Reichstag
        • Germany during WWI
          • Patriotism increased as they thought the war would be a success
          • Food shortages began in 1915 due to the blockade of German ports
            • By 1916, 10k were protesting against this
          • War weariness began in 1917, with protests about the war by 1918
            • e.g. Mutiny at Kiel Naval Base
            • Protests caused by food/power shortages & a flu epidemic took 100s of thousands of lives
          • When defeat was certain, Kaiser tried to avoid blame by passing responsibility to politicians - 'revolution from above'
            • He then abdicated on 9th Nov. 1918
        • The Treaty of Versailles
          • Dictated peace - Germany had no say in the treaty
            • Signed in June 1919 by the other major nations
          • Terms and contents of the treaty
            • Blame - Germany must take responsibility for the war (War Guilt Clause)
            • Reparations - Germany must pay £6.6bn for war damage
              • This was a major cause for hyperinflation
            • Armed forces - Germany must reduce her army to 100k soldiers, 6 battleships and no air force
              • Rhineland was demilitarised as French feared an invasion
            • Territory - They lost 13% of their land (10% of population) and all overseas colonies
            • Not allowed to unite with Austria or join the League of Nations
          • German reaction to the Treaty
            • Hated by most Germans
              • They expected a fair treaty - Kaiser was gone and their new democratic government needed support
                • It made the Weimar government very unpopular
                  • e.g. had to raise taxes to pay reparation
              • They were defenceless and humiliated
              • They could not afford the reparations payments due to WWI effect on economy


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