genre expectations + subversion (unfinished)
- Created by: LunaShomeiRose
- Created on: 06-01-20 21:48
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- genre
- generic codes + conventions help producers to shape their product + help audience understand what is being conveyed + how they should react to it
- examples of codes + conventions
- codes (roles so audience can assign a common meaning)
- symbolic (an actor suggests a character's feelings)
- both (music = technical addition that suggests a mood)
- technical (camera angel, lighting)
- both (music = technical addition that suggests a mood)
- symbolic (an actor suggests a character's feelings)
- conventions (meanings copied from codes, common to particular genre)
- setting (historical period, geographic location, domestic/ public space)
- characteristics (professional, moral, psychological or social status; stereotypes)
- props + objects (costumes; items used by actors; background objects)
- structure + plot (narrative structure; storytelling method; expected ending)
- codes (roles so audience can assign a common meaning)
- audience expectations + subversion
- audience expect certain codes + conventions (e.g TV quiz show likely to have 2 teams, host, scores, live audience). product may be choose because of these codes + conventions, knowing issues that drive narrative will be resolves.
- but genes don't conform to all conventions + most media will cross genre boundaries to keep audience interested
- cultural + economical shifts change genres over time. e.g. racism in comedy is no longer acceptable
- genres help us see media aren't reflections of reality, but are constructed to comply with - or challenge - codes and conventions.
- cultural + economical shifts change genres over time. e.g. racism in comedy is no longer acceptable
- but genes don't conform to all conventions + most media will cross genre boundaries to keep audience interested
- audience expect certain codes + conventions (e.g TV quiz show likely to have 2 teams, host, scores, live audience). product may be choose because of these codes + conventions, knowing issues that drive narrative will be resolves.
- challenging genres
- parody (humorous deception genre)
- e.g Scary Movie, Austin Powers
- pastiche (an artistic work that imitates another - copy of genre, blurring genre's used yo compliment creators, unlike parodies)
- e.g stranger things = pastiche of iconic 80s sci-fi films. the scene at the end of the 1st ep. where the boys find El in the woods is almost identical to the scene in E.T where Elliot discovers E.T in a cornfield. The netflix poster for stranger things also resembles Star Wars. overall it draws people in with nostalgia.
- Quentin Tarantino's films are often pastiche's of their respected genre. always take inspiration from other films. he references and mimics scenes from lots of different movies to create a unique one. E.g Reservoir Dogs steals the the mexican stand off from City On Fire, and they stole it from The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.
- music - uses samples from past music to create new.
- Michael Jackson's "Thriller" is a mini horror movie. mimics other videos + filmmaking style.
- subversion (expectations not met)
- e.g handsome Prince = villain in Frozen
- The Promised Neverlands starts happy-go-lucky then turns into physiological horror
- hybrid/ cross genre (mix of several genres)
- subgenre
- e.g comedy horror - Shaun of the Dead
- isekai is a fantasy subgenre of anime. e.g SAO. The Rising of the Shield Hero.
- parody (humorous deception genre)
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