Gender Dysphoria
- Created by: thomasofee
- Created on: 02-12-20 10:10
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- Gender dysphoria
- Social Learning theory
- Direct - Where children are specifically rewarded for displaying gender-appropriate behaviours
- Indirect learning - Learning gender-appropriate behaviours through vicarious reinforcement
- Agents of socialisation - People who you learn gender behaviours from eg. parents. They may cause gender dysphoria through positive reinforcement
- Mediational processes: Attention, retention, motivation, motor reproduction
- Smith and Lloyd (1978) - Boys were encouraged to be adventurous compared to girls who are encouraged to be passive
- Perry and Bussey (1979) - Fruit picking, children copied same sex role models
- Lack of agents of socialisation - Reckers: 70 patients with gender dysphoria who didn't have a male role model
- Distorted parental attitudes
- Bad Upbringing - Coates (1991)
- Biological explanations
- Gender formed by genetic makeup
- Testosterone, Oestrogen and Oxytocin
- Atypical genes: XO - Turner's, XXY - Kleinfelter's
- Brain structure
- Hare et al - Feminised genotypes in transgender women
- Hormones - Androgen insensitivity syndrome is when the body does not respond to testosterone causing genitals to not develop
- Social Learning theory
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