gender and achievement
- Created by: hananmumin
- Created on: 24-12-18 12:36
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- gender differences in achievement
- the gender gap in achievement
- external factors and achievement
- the impact of feminism
- changes in the family
- changes in womens employment
- girls changing ambitions
- class, gender and ambition
- internal factors and achievement
- equal opportunities policies
- positive role models in schools
- GCSE and coursework
- teacher attention
- challenging stereotypes in the curriculum
- selection and league tables
- two views of girls' achievement
- identity, class and girls' achievement
- symbolic capital
- hyper-heterosexual feminine identities
- boyfriends
- being 'loud'
- working class girls dilemma
- successful working class girls
- boys and achievement
- boys and literacy
- globalisation and the decline of traditional men's jobs
- feminisation of education
- shortage of male primary school teachers
- are more male teachers really needed?
- laddish subcultures
- the moral panic about boys
- gender, class ethnicity
- gender and subject choice
- national curriculum options
- AS and A levels
- vocational courses
- explanations of gender differences in subject choice
- 1 gender role socialisation
- gender domains
- 2 gendered subject images
- single sex schooling
- 3 gender identity and peer pressure
- 4 gendered career opportunities
- gender, vocational choice and class
- 1 gender role socialisation
- pupils' sexual and gender identities
- 1 double standards
- 2 verbal abuse
- 3 the male gaze
- 4 male peer groups
- 5 female peer groups: policing identity
- 6 teachers and discipline
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