Gender and victimisation
- Created by: issy_howson
- Created on: 03-09-17 09:34
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- Gender and victimisation
- Large-scale national victim surveys (crime survey for England and Wales)
- HOMOCIDE VICTIMS: 70% males. Female victims likely to know their killer in 60% of cases by partners. Males by a friend
- VICTIMS OF VIOLENCE: Less women than men are victims of violence (2% to 4%)
- Women victimised by acquaintance, men by stranger
- Women more likely to be victims of sexual abuse
- Ten times more women report being assaulted than men
- 8% of females experienced serious sexual assault = report to police. A third didn't report
- Mismatch between fear and risk?
- RESEARCH - Women have greater fear of crime CSEW- Women less risk of victimisation
- Lea and Young (1993) women are at greater risk than men
- victim survey do not convey the severity of victimisation EXAMPLE: Walby and Allen (2004) show that women are more likely to be victims of multiple incidents Ansara and Hindin (2011) women experienced more severe violence and control
- Large-scale national victim surveys (crime survey for England and Wales)
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