'Garibaldi's contribution to the unification of Italy has been exaggerated: he caused more problems than he solved.' How far do you agree?
- Created by: Evieflynn
- Created on: 16-01-19 20:06
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- 'Garibaldi's contribution to the unification of Italy has been exaggerated: he caused more problems than he solved.' How far do you agree?
- A successful Alpine campaign in 1859 war
- This helped unification as it ensured Austrian rule was coming to an end
- Rome
- Garibaldi wanted to take Rome. This was a problem because it could cause tension with Catholic powers as the revolution was anti-clerical
- This meant Cavour had to send Piedmontese troops to hinder the retreat
- Nice- irrational plans to take Nice
- He planned to blow up the ballot boxes
- = a problem because it had been ceded to France. This again could have caused tension with France
- He willingly handed over South of Italy to Piedmont. This allowed Emilia to be formed and unification to be complete
- Garibaldi's help in Sicily and Naples
- Cavour didnt want to act as he deemed South and unpolitical
- Helped unification to happen, didnt hinder it
- Introduction of piedmontese law in Sicily
- A successful Alpine campaign in 1859 war
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