Gabrielli- In Ecclesiis
- Created by: NimG
- Created on: 07-03-17 11:48
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- Gabrielli- In Ecclesiis
- Resources
- Four vocal soloists (countertenor, alto, tenor, baritone)
- Four part choir (AATB)
- Instruments, 3 cornetti, viola, 2 sackbuts and organ
- Background
- Sacred choral motet- a Latin motet
- Likely first performance at St Mark's c.1600-1612
- Form
- Sectional determined by text. Six sections all through-composed
- 5 vocal sections (2 solo, 2 duet, 1 tutti), each concluded by choral alleluia. Last extended
- 1 instrumental section. (Sinfonia) Halfway through.
- Sectional determined by text. Six sections all through-composed
- Texture
- Solo sections: Monody
- Choral Homophony (Alleluia section)
- Interweaving counterpoint: Cadential phrases end of alleluia
- Imitation in concerted sections, (duets)
- Canons between instruments in sinfonia.
- Complex texture by interweaving and canonic parts at climax
- Colla Parte writing
- Tonality
- A minor with many modal features
- Harmony
- Mostly diatonic, some chromaticism created by echapees
- Some sequences
- Suspensions
- False relation
- Consonant 4ths
- Melody
- Short motifs often taken up in imitative writing
- Vocal writing mostly stepwise, some leaps up to 4th or 5th
- Rhythm and Metre
- Syncopation
- Hemiola
- Resources
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