- Created by: Joanaar
- Created on: 01-10-20 10:06
View mindmap
- future
- law
- with spanish law
- apprenticeship
- business
- entrepreneurship
- amazon
- marketing
- working with big companies google or samsung / innocent drink
- Hunter lodge
- competition
- young enterprise
- entrepreneurship
- criminal investigation in human trafficking
- secret agency
- university
- law with criminal law?
- human rights and animal rights
- criminology
- law with criminal law?
- volunteering
- gap year
- saving animal from wet markets
- volunteering in schools that need help - thailand, africa etc
- international relations
- remail admissions office u
- international relations
- gap year
- subjects ALEVEL
- spanish
- translating
- sociology
- uni?
- politics
- youth parliament
- photography
- extra work to earn money
- creative
- fun
- creative
- extra work to earn money
- spanish
- law
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