Funeral Blues
- Created by: nyxienyx
- Created on: 28-01-23 14:23
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- Funeral Blues
- morose, sad elegy that wonderfully describes the feelings associated with grieving.
- grief/silence, isolation, and death. All three of these themes are tied together within the text as the speaker discusses what grief over the death of a loved one is like and how it separates one from the rest of the world. In the first lines, the speaker demands that everything quiet down and that all the “mourners come” to mourn. The speaker seeks out transformation in the world but is unable to find it. They are isolated in their loss and no one adequately respects that fact.
- four, four-line stanzas known as quatrains. These quatrains follow an AABB rhyming pattern
- It is an intentionally exaggerated description, comparison or exclamation meant to further the writer’s important themes, or make a specific impact on a reader. the last lines ask the impossible, that one should “Pack up the moon and dismantle the sun” and put out the stars.
- The idea of stopping the clocks serves two purposes here. First, it stops the noise that they potentially make, the annoying ticking sound, but also it signifies the stopping of time. When somebody dies their time is said to be up and this represents that.
- describes the airplanes as “moaning”. The first thing of importance to note is that the sound of the word “moaning” sounds a lot like the word mourning. But, it is also a noise associated with death or dying
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