Functions of water in the body
- Created by: Amelia200314
- Created on: 11-04-19 11:07
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- Functions of water in the body
- helps to regulate body temperature (37oc)
- sweat evaporates and cools us
- without this cooling system we would become ill from heat stroke
- sweat evaporates and cools us
- helps the kidneys to flush out harmful excess or foreign substances from our blood
- kidneys filter waste products and eliminate them from our body as urine
- transports nutrients, oxygen and carbon dioxide round the body
- needed by nearly all body processes
- water is found in all cells and tissues in our body
- helps to prevent the skin drying out
- ensures that the lining of the digestive system, mucus membranes and lungs are kept moist
- helps to regulate body temperature (37oc)
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