C+ D Topic 1: Functionalist, Strain and Subcultural Strain Theory
Sociology - crime and deviance topic 1
- Created by: Deborah Mercy
- Created on: 18-03-13 10:23
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- Functionalist, Strain and Subcultural Theories
- Durkheims functionalist theory
- society is a value consesnsus, that has a culture based on norms +values
- socialisation and social control
- Inevitability of crime
- Crime exists universally
- Not everyone is equally socialised
- Different people are brought up in different subcultures
- Diversity of culture has caused gov. rules to be less clear cut = anomie
- Positive functions of crime
- Adaptation and change
- Boundary maintanance
- Davis: it acts as a safety valve
- Polsky: *********** safey channels
- Erikson: c+d cause society to be even = society make crime
- Mertons Strain Theory
- Strain theory: people commit crimes when they have no legit means
- Merton uses Durk. study on anomie to explain deviance.
- Sturctural factors: unequal structure
- Cultural factor: strong emphasis on success less on means to achieve
- strain between: goals encouraged and institutions that allow it to happen
- American dream
- Deviant adaptations to strain
- Conformity, rebellion, retreatism, innovation and ritualism
- Subcultural strain theoires
- Cohen: Status frustration
- Agrees with Merton that D is a low class phenomenon
- Cohen criticises Merton on 2 grounds; D is a response to strain and that not all crimes are utilitarian
- Alternative status heirachy; heirachy that spites M/C views/norms
- Deviance among W/C boys - they face amonie in M/C education as they suffer cultural dep. = status frustration = delinquent subculture
- Cloward + Ohlin: 3 subcultures
- Criminal - provides youths with utilitarian crimes
- Conflict - closest described by cohen, its based on gang crime
- Retreatist - double failures who drop out of society - c+o say use drugs
- Recent Strain Theories
- Young people may aspire goals that are not money success
- Institutional anomie theory - Messner and Rosenfeld
- America are obsessed with money success - 'winner takes it all!'
- It causes mental pressure
- Schools are turned into markets: marketisation, they sell their kids to companies + get them ready to work
- Society is based on free- market capitalism = lack of welfare provisison
- Cohen: Status frustration
- Durkheims functionalist theory
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