Functionalist - Subcultural strain theories - coward and ohlin
- Created by: Rebecca-Hall123
- Created on: 08-03-15 15:05
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- Functionalist - Cloward and Ohlin - subcultural strain theories
- They agree that working-class youths are defined legitimate opportunities to achieve and their deviance stems from how they deal with the situation
- They identify Three types of deviant subcultures;
- Criminal subculture
- Provide youths with an apprenticeship for a career in utilitarian crimes.
- Arise only in cultures with an established hierarchy of professional adult crime
- Conflict subculture
- Arise in areas of high population turnover
- Results in high levels of social disorganisation and prevents a stable professional criminal network developing
- Retreatist subculture
- Not everyone who aspires to be a professional criminal or gang leader actually succeeds
- These people may turn to illegal drug use
- Criminal subculture
- Evalutation
- Strengths
- develops mertons and cohens theory
- give reason into working class delinquency
- Criticisms
- they assume everyone starts off following the same values and mainstream success goals
- miller
- lower class has its own independent subculture with its own values
- Matza
- Most delinquents are not strongly committed to their subculture, they drift in and out of deliqency
- Strengths
- Recent strain theories
- Institutional anomie theory - Messner and Rosenfield
- Focus on the american dream
- people are encouraged to adopt an 'anything goes' mentality
- the obsession with money success pressures people towards crime
- Focus on the american dream
- Institutional anomie theory - Messner and Rosenfield
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