Functionalist - Durkheim view on crime and deviance
- Created by: Rebecca-Hall123
- Created on: 08-03-15 13:24
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- Functionalist - Durkheim
- society has two key mechanisms
- Socialisation
- instils shared culture into its members
- social control
- Rewards for conformity
- punishments for deviaance
- Socialisation
- Inevitability of crime
- Durkheim says "crime is normal, and integral part of all healthy societies"
- Two reasons why crime is found in all societies;
- Not everyone is equally socialised into shared norms and values
- Diversity of lifestyles and values
- In Durkheim's view - there is a tendency towards Anomie
- Positive functions of crime
- Boundary Maintenance
- Explains the functions of punishment
- Reaffirm society
- Reinforces social solidarity
- Learn the limits of toleration and unite against the condemned
- Explains the functions of punishment
- Adaption and Change
- All change starts with an act of deviance
- Too much crime threatens the bonds of society
- Too little crime means society is controlling its members
- Other functions of crime
- Davis = Safety Valve
- Prostitution releases mans sexual frustration, without threatening the nuclear family
- Polsky
- *********** safety channels a variety of sexual desires
- Prevents adultery
- *********** safety channels a variety of sexual desires
- Cohen
- Warning function
- Erikson
- If crime and deviance perform positive functions, it means society is organised
- Davis = Safety Valve
- Boundary Maintenance
- Criticisms
- Durkheim offers no way of knowing how much deviance is the right amount
- he explains crime as having a function
- Doesn't mean society creates crime with the intention of strengthening solidarity
- ignores how crime affects people within society
- Crime doesn't always promote solidarity. It may have the opposite affect
- society has two key mechanisms
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