functionalism mindmap
- Created by: rawr_quinn
- Created on: 19-01-23 23:05
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- functionalism
- organic analogy
- body has vital organs society has vital institutions
- religion
- government
- criminal justice system
- welfare state
- economy
- media
- family
- education
- body has vital organs society has vital institutions
- emphasises harmony unity and integration within society
- functional prerequisites
- needs for society
- value consensus collective consciousnes and social solidarity
- value consensus: agreement among society about what values are important
- collective conscience: a set of shared beliefs ideas and moral attitudes acting as a unifying force in society
- must be constantly reinforced so consensus doesn't atrophy
- social solidarity: the independance between individuals in a society
- durkheim
- society based on consensus
- organic analogy
- society more important than individuals
- talcott parsons
- argues we conform as a result of socialisation
- social control
- argues we conform as a result of socialisation
- criticisms
- assumes all societies work the same way
- assumes all things in society are positive
- positive and negative sanctions
- prevents atrophy of consensus
- positive = reward negative = punishment
- organic analogy
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