Functionalism and Education
- Created by: DB83
- Created on: 15-12-21 10:07
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- Functionalism and education
- Providing a bridge between the family and society
- Family
- Particularistic standards
- Ascribed status
- Society
- Universalistic standards
- Achieved status
- Family
- Providing a qualified labour force
- Human Capital
- The skills and knowledge individuals bring to work, increasing its value towards employers.
- Human Capital
- Passing on society's culture
- Durkheim (1925) - "Society can only exist if there is a sufficient degree of homogeneity"
- There needs to be a sense of solidarity in society.
- Education passes on core values through subjects and the hidden curriculum.
- Selecting and allocating individuals to the right jobs
- Parsons - Schools select and allocate pupils to their future work roles by assessing their abilities.
- Davis and Moore on 'Role allocation' - Inequality is necessary so that the most important roles in society are filled by the most talented people.
- Providing a bridge between the family and society
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