Freud Mindmap

  • Created by: Lucy
  • Created on: 20-03-13 18:26
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  • Sigmund Freud
    • OCD
      • Omnipotence of thought
        • Ratman
      • Compared to religious practice
      • Religion as an obsessional neurosis
        • Guilt
        • Earliest form of neurosis
        • Hides things that really are
    • Totem and Taboo
      • Primal Horde
        • Primal crime
          • Guilt
      • Oedipus Complex
      • Exogamy
      • Origins of religion
        • Conflict on the psyche
        • Fear of the natural world
        • Father figure
    • The future of an illusion
      • Provides an answer for suffering
      • Link between religion and civilisation
      • Illusion  based on wish-fulfilment
      • The need for  a father figure
    • The structure of the psych
      • Id
        • Present from  birth
          • Includes all instinctive and primitive behaviours
        • Entirely unconscious
        • Driven by  the  pleasure principle
      • Ego
        • Responsible for dealing with reality
        • Develops from the id controlling its desires
        • Based on reality principle
        • conscious, preconscious and unconscious
          • Super-ego
            • Two parts
              • Ego ideal
                • Rules and standards for good behaviour
              • Conscience
                • Includes info about behaviour forbidden by parents and society
            • Moral ideas and standards that we develop from society and our parents.
      • Super-ego
        • Two parts
          • Ego ideal
            • Rules and standards for good behaviour
          • Conscience
            • Includes info about behaviour forbidden by parents and society
        • Moral ideas and standards that we develop from society and our parents.
  • Compared to religious practice


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