Free will Vs determinism debate
- Created by: Hannah Brearley - Bayliss
- Created on: 05-03-15 11:13
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- Free Will and Determinism Debate
- Biological determinism
- Instinctive needs; can we choose how much we and when we eat?
- Controlling of different parts of the brain; we can't control what each part of the brain does or if it works properly.
- Hormonal system; hormones effect behaviour- we can't control when hormones are released.
- Evolutionary forces; fight or flight response cannot b controlled- it is instinctive.
- Genes; we are controlled by genes which are determined at birth.
- Schizophrenia- Gottesman and Sheilds (1982).
- Criminal behaviour- Christiansen/ Johannes Lange.
- Depression- McGuffin et al, (1996).
- Criminal personality- Eysenck.
- Psychic determinism
- Strong inherent instincts of sex and aggression and by represented conflicts, childhood experiences, wishes and memories within the unconscious mind.
- Causes of behaviour are unconscious so we think we have free will.
- Behaviour, thoughts and feelings have multiple causes.
- Over determination
- E.g. psychosexual stages of development, Little Hans: unresolved Oedipus complex controlled fear of horses.
- Environmental determinism
- Behaviour is under control of external stimuli and forces of reward and punishment.
- External- behaviour occurs because of the environment.
- Behaviour approach is extreme.
- Research conducted on animals. Humans are mechanically different.
- Repetition of behaviour relies on reinforcement or punishment.
- E.g. Skinner or Pavlov with animals.
- Bandura with children.
- Asch- social influence.
- Adds empiricism.
- Can predict and control behaviour.
- Raises question of moral responsibility.
- Free will
- Soft determinism: element of free will.
- Cannot mean rigorous scientific testing.
- We would need to know the type of behaviour we are suggesting free will affects and how we would measure it.
- Evidence is mostly subjective.
- Libet (1985)- found brain activity started half a secod before the person said they decided tocarry out the action.
- Objective attempt.
- Evaluation of free will
- Free will is inconsistent with the assumptions of science.
- Provides causality.
- Can't measure something non-physical.
- Most people feel morally responsible for their own actions.
- Humanistic approach focusses on free will.
- PCT allows patient to direct their own lives and treatment.
- Rejects scientific approach.
- Partly determined- restricted by physical body.
- Cognitive and SLT more complex.
- People select info from environment which determines behaviour e.g. schemas.
- Biological determinism
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