Forensic Psychology for Dummies
Forensic Psychology for the less gifted
- Created by: Asstastic Bumbandit
- Created on: 07-10-14 11:13
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- Forensic Psychology
- Measuring crime
- Official Statistics
- Alternatives to Official Statistics
- Victim surveys and self-report measures.
- Offender Profiling
- Typology approach
- Or the FBI approach
- Geographical approach
- Typology approach
- Theories of Offending
- Atavistic Approach
- Reverting to or suggesting the characteristics of a remote ancestor or primitive type
- Somatotype Theory
- Endomorph
- Fat and soft
- Ectomorph
- Thin and Fragile
- Mesomorph
- Muscular and hard
- Endomorph
- Atavistic Approach
- Later Biological approaches
- Genetic Transmissions
- Lombroso and Sheldon
- Eynsencks theory of criminal personality
- Psychodynamic explanation
- Social learning theory
- Genetic Transmissions
- Dealing with offenders
- The role of custodial sentencing
- The effectiveness of custodial sentencing
- Alternatives to custodial sentencing
- Treatment programmes
- Behaviour modification
- Anger management
- Measuring crime
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