Foreign Policy: Integration with the West - Germany
- Created by: RConwa_y
- Created on: 22-05-18 09:05
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- Foreign Policy: Integration with the West
- Economic integration
- October 1949
- West Germany joined the Organisation for European Economic Co-operation (OEEC) and received Marshall Aid
- April 1951
- West Germany joined the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC). This put Franco-German production under a common authority
- Joining the ECSC removed foreign control over West German industry and helped rebuild its relationship with France
- 1957
- West Germany signed the Treaty of Rome, which established the European Economic Community (EEC), later the EU
- West Germany joined EURATOM (European Atomic Energy Community) - a sign of increased trust and success
- October 1949
- Political integration
- The Council of Europe was established. West Germany joined and Adenauer said "We belong to the West". He accepted the division of Germany and renounced any independent initiative for West Germany
- Military integration
- NATO was established in 1949 - West Germany joined in 1955. NATO asked West Germany to contribute forces to the Korean War
- Adenauer achieved German rearmament within Europe through NATO and NATO forces were placed in Germany. The West agreed not to seek forceful reunification
- Relations with the USSR
- These developments concerned Stalin and in 1952 he contemplated giving up the DDR for a united Germany. However, he insisted that a democratic Germany could not join Western powers
- Adenauer ignored all advances from Russia. He ignored the 1953 rising in East Berlin. He did visit Moscow in 1955 to negotiate the return of Prisoners of War
- Adenauer did not recognise East Germany as a separate state - he wouldn't have diplomatic relations with countries that did. This was known as the Hallstein Doctrine, which was abandoned in the 1970s
- Was Adenauer's foreign policy a success?
- Success
- West Germany achieved rapprochement with France
- Germany's relationship and repuattion was rebuilt with the West
- West Germany negotiated the return of Prisoners of War in 1955
- West Germany joined the OEEC, ECSC, EEC, and NATO
- Adenauer oversawthe 1957 plebiscite for the reincorporation of the Saar into Germany
- Failure
- Adenauer as never able to reconcile the USSR to German rearmament
- The remilitarisation of German society and the creation of a German army created domestic fear
- Success
- Economic integration
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