Foreign Policy 1951-1964
- Created by: yazmintaylorx
- Created on: 03-01-18 09:52
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- Foreign Policy 1951 - 1964
- Role of Individuals
- Eden hated Nasser
- Suez Crisis 1956
- international embarrassment
- strengthened relationship with USA
- 1958 USA/UK share information
- Suez Crisis 1956
- DeGaulle
- didn't want another cockerel in the EU
- suspicious of UK/USA relationship
- didn't want another cockerel in the EU
- Eden hated Nasser
- Missed Opportunity
- ECSC 1951
- Treaty of Rome
- EEC formed 1957; 'the six'
- EFTA created by UK 1959; 'the outer seven'
- 1973 joined EEC with Denmark & Eire; 'the nine'
- failed to join 1961 & 1966 due to DeGaulle
- 1950s boom in W. EU economies; 2x UK growth
- Economic & Military Overstretch
- Cold War / nuclear
- Blue Streak cost £84m in 1960
- empire wars were costly
- 1958 £1554m on defence in UK; France £1180m & W. Germany £529m
- UK spent 3x more on defence than education
- damage post WWII
- limited spending on empire
- £454m debt
- Cold War / nuclear
- Rise of Nationalism in Empire
- Colonial Wars
- 1948-60 Malaya
- 1952-60 Mau Mau in Kenya
- 1955 EOKA in Cyprus
- India & Pakistan 1947
- Ghana 1957
- Iain McLeod 1959-1961
- Tanzania
- Kuwait
- British Cameroon
- British Somaliland
- Sierra Leone
- Nigeria
- Colonial Wars
- Sandys Report 1957
- army reduced from 700,000 to 375,000
- end national service (1948-1960)
- concentrate on nuclear power
- 1952 atomic bomb
- 1957 hydrogen bomb
- 1958 CND & Aldermaston - 8,000 march
- end of the empire post-Suez decline
- NATO formed in 1949
- UK 1/5 permanent members on UN security council
- Role of Individuals
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