Foreign Affairs under Elizabeth
- Created by: RisingEmerald
- Created on: 16-04-19 15:00
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- Elizabeth I - Foreign Affairs
- Marriage/succession
- Why marriage was an issue
- Civil war/foreign invasion/strife
- Catholic Mary Queen of Scots was successor
- Liz refused to name an heir (said royal prerogative)
- Opportunities
- Bargaining chip in Foreign policy
- Why marriage was an issue
- Mary QofS
- Causes of crisis
- Fled to England due to Scottish civil war
- English catholics thought rightful monarch
- Excommunication of pope (1570)
- Involved in 4 plots 1571-86 - to overthrow
- Consequences
- Cecil convinced Elizabeth to execute in 1587
- Mary found guilty in Babington Plot of 1586
- Spanish Armada sent in retaliation (1588)
- Causes of crisis
- FP with Spain
- Good relations in 1560s due to marriage + hope of conversion
- Causes of deteriorating FP in 1570s
- John Hawkins threatened Caribbean trade
- Proxy war - Netherlands
- Expulsion from English ports of Sea beggars = revolt against Spain (1572)
- Elizabeth seizes Spanish ship (1568)
- Marriage/succession
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