Food choices Food and Nutrition
- Created by: hannah sutton
- Created on: 12-04-17 15:32
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- Food choices
- Religion
- hindus = cows are sacred, eat no meat that causes lots of pain
- Buddhist monks/nuns aren't allowed to keep their own food
- Buddhists are vegetarian and non-dairy
- Jews = no shelfish/dairy
- Halal (slit throat) Muslims
- Jews not eating pork
- special dietary rules for Islam, no blood. Fast during Ramadan.
- Cultural
- different beliefs/morals/way of life
- inherited from our ancestors
- habits
- behaviour patterns
- different to other people
- Economical
- cheaper cuts of meat
- collect vouchers
- use supermarket own brands
- alternative (cheaper) protein sources
- make your own food/ seasonal produce
- Social
- reward
- demonstrating your wealth
- gifts (wine or chocolate)
- a way of socialising
- Changes
- allergies
- eating habits
- convenience foods
- intolerances
- Religion
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