- Created by: chloetimmins
- Created on: 18-06-13 09:30
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- Fold Mountains-The Alps.
- Forestry
- Coniferous trees
- used for timber manufactoring
- some trees have been delibratly planted as crops
- there are many logging companys in the Alps
- deforistation
- people who live in the forests in the Alps rely on deforistation for energy
- timber is processed ny the saw mills located by the riversin the bottem of the valley
- Coniferous trees
- Hydro-Eletric-Power
- steep slopes make it easier to make hydro eletric power
- helped by the gravitatinal force of water
- Narrow valleys are easy to dam to create reservoirs
- hydro eletirc power production does not cause air polution
- renewable source of energy
- steep slopes make it easier to make hydro eletric power
- Tourism
- Summer Activitys
- walking,running,cycling ext
- Winter Activitys
- sking,snowboarding ext
- Climate
- summer
- winter
- clear blue skys ,a lot of snow
- Summer Activitys
- Farming
- Vally floor
- this is easier to farm on than the steep vally slopes
- South slope
- Warmer and Dryer conditions
- more fertile soils
- better comunications
- Vally floor
- Forestry
- long,hot dry summer days
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