mindmap flow of financial documents
- Created by: 13childt
- Created on: 26-02-18 09:56
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- 1.purchase order. buyer
- flow of financial documents
- states what the film intends to buy, it lists the quantity and agreed price
- 2.delivery note. seller
- when the goods are sent to the customer this lists what have been sent
- 3.goods received note. buyer
- stays in the business, this is used for stock taking and to keep track of what needs paying
- 4.invoice. seller
- this is a bill. suppliers usually give 30-60 days to pay
- 5.credit note. seller
- if the suppliers agrees that the order and invoice are wrong they will issue a credit note, to show they will refuse the customer
- 6.statement. seller
- this is send every month; it records all invoices issues and all payments received. if there are any unpaid bills
- 7.remittance advice and cheque. buyer
- this tells the supplier which is being paid, and is sent with payment(usually cheque)
- 8.receipt. seller
- sent to show payment has been received
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