Flexible working homework
- Created by: xMaheenRzx
- Created on: 14-11-16 18:10
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- Flexible Working (range of employment options designed to help employees balance work and home life.)
- Different types of flexible working
- Part time working- Working less than full-time hours (usually by working fewer days)
- Flexitime-The employee chooses when to start and end work (within agreed limits) but works certain ‘core hours’, eg 10am to 4pm every day.
- Annual hours contract- The employee has to work a certain number of hours over the year but they have some flexibility about when they work.
- Mobile working
- Job sharing- Two people do one job and split the hours.
- Shift swapping
- Working from home-It might be possible to do some or all of the work from home or anywhere else other than the normal place of work.
- Career breaks
- Term time working
- Advantages for employers
- Saving on costs- businesses can make substantial savings if it doesn't provide office and other accommodations for employees or if staff work from home instead of commuting.
- Helps with recruitment and staff retention- results in better job satisfaction and higher staff morale
- To reflect the changing profile of uk workforce- most women work in labour market and ageing population so therefore staff have caring responsibilities outside of work.
- To take advantage of developmentsin technology-simple and cost effective for employees to be able to access their employers online and communicate with colleagues.
- Easier for businesses to offer extended opening hours so services can offer for customers 24/7 service
- Meets employment legalisation- certain groups of employees have legal right to request flexible working
- Disadvantages for employers
- Lower employee productivity
- Potential loss of customers due to key employees reduce their working hours
- Managers find it difficult to manage or administer the flexibility
- Disadvantages for employees
- Employees who thrive in an office environment
- Working from home can often make neighbors and friends think you aren't actually working
- There is no clear delineation between work and home.
- Advantages for Employees
- Flexibility to meet family needs, personal obligations, and life responsibilities conveniently
- Reduced consumption of employee commuting time and fuel costs.
- Avoids traffic and the stresses of commuting during rush hours.
- Reduces employee burnout due to overload.
- Allows people to work when they accomplish most, feel freshest, and enjoy working.
- Different types of flexible working
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