Fishing in SW India
- Created by: ofields755
- Created on: 28-05-15 21:33
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- Fishing in SW India
- Location: Kerala and Tamil Nadu
- Southern states of India
- Densely pop. with 135 ppl/km3
- Very poor
- Pop. depend on fishing
- 70% pop in fishing
- 21% fish related jobs
- Need for the project
- Wide spread deforestation
- Lack of suitable trees to make traditional rafts
- catch has decreased between mid 1970s- 1980s
- Due to trawlers fishing for prawns
- Wide spread deforestation
- Requirements of project
- The aim was to increase boats and decrease trawlers
- Worked with European agencies to use technology to suit fisher men
- Unsinkable
- Carry engines to travel further and avoid trawler paths
- light
- easy to launch
- long lasting 7-10 years
- Comfortable
- Solution: technology
- New design
- which also included parts of the traditional ships
- Preserved unquieness
- Use skills of the locals
- Marine plywood and fibreglass
- therefore trees protected
- Design apartable
- New design
- Benefits
- over 5000 new jobs in building the boats
- no longer the poorest in India
- Literacy and numeracy skills improved
- gurantee income
- fishing community which faced economic collapse can continue to fish
- 2000-2500 new boats
- Drawbacks
- still reliant on primary industry
- too many boats from one site conflict between trawlers
- over fishing
- Location: Kerala and Tamil Nadu
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